Stress is a normal part of life.  Everyone has their roller coaster ride that they are on.  Highs and lows. Extreme highs and extreme lows. We’ve become a species bombarded by stress and noise where it has become very hard to shut out.  So how do we deal with the noise? How do we deal with everyday stress even when we know that it is part of life? We all want to avoid it but know it is inevitable.  Stress to one person is unique to them versus their next door neighbour. The magnitude of one stressful situation might be bigger between two individuals. So how do we all uniquely deal with it?

We deal with it by working on ourselves.  By feeding our mind with good, positivity.  By allowing our minds to think through and work out the problems in their head.  We need to learn how to see both the bad and the good, but to focus on the good that can come from it.  To know that it will be okay. We must work on our bodies continuously, for our brains and our body are one, connected, through our nervous systems.  They are directly connected. The health of one plays a role on the other. We must work on our soul. Nourish it with love, compassion, joy, fulfillment, and meaning.  Nourishing your soul mostly comes from inside, but can be inspired by what surrounds you, like nature, like your family, like your friends, and like your loved ones.

Feed your mind, your body, and your soul.  Equally. Continuously work on them to deal with the daily stresses that you will be bombarded with.  In the end, you will be stronger for it.