Throughout the entire existence of humanity, we have been able to learn so much about nature, our bodies, the stars, and so much more.  The last couple of decades have included massive and explosive amounts of information available for the masses.

They say that in an era where there is so much information available at our fingers, not knowing something you want to know about is a choice, a choice to be ignorant.  We all have the ability to learn so much. It’s right there. We have it within us to go and seek knowledge. Wisdom comes from applying that knowledge and experiencing it.  

But we all have to have a willingness to learn.  It first starts from within. And if we choose to not learn, then that is our choice.  But know that then when a topic arises that is important to your life and you have chosen not to learn more about it or more in depth, then you yourself must understand that your opinion or perspective has less merit than those who have learned more about the subject at hand.

Be willing to learn because life is about learning whether through our seeking or through our experience.